Изложба “Просветления по пътя“
“Sparkles On The Road”, one exhibition of Petra Dobrevska in
Donnart Kunst Galerie, Salinenstraße 15, 49214 Bad Rothenfelde, Germany
“When subjective reality sublimely confronts us with our lucid dreams, called deep reflection, our consciousness awakens from the „normal“ lethargy and our mental vision changes, thus discovering truly Dantesque scenes, stark, shocking and confusing in principle, at best. In most cases this will happen, in such a way that this mental state will place us now, in the true reality that we can only touch in this way. In particular, the magical catalyst that works for me is aesthetic contemplation, to connect with my interior since the simple fact of being in front of a work of art awakens my lethargic senses and thus gracefully travels within myself. On this occasion I will cite my experience with the dazzling work of the Bulgarian painter named Petra Dobrevska, who is rightly called the artist of dreams, since this was a happy, luminous and comforting clash with my objective reality, this one, which suddenly translated the essence of the wonderful proposal that is presented to my sight, then my soul, this connection had such an effect, in order to begin a rich journey towards the tender principles of my essence, happiness invaded my pupils to such a point that It penetrated directly into my consciousness, now I sincerely appreciate that crossroads, between the sublime dance that traces the delicate but firm dazzling line and through which, then, the beautiful strokes of the excellent work of the beautiful artist of dreams will be launched.. .“
Казвам се Петра Добревска и съм художник по сърце и призвание. Живея и работя в София.
Стилът, в който творя е абстрактен експресионизъм. В своите картини непрекъснато експериментирам по отношение на различните пигменти, основи и цветови смеси и нови инструменти. По този начин аз улавям същността на въображението си и отношението към външният свят, които ми помагат да дам концепция на моята визия за света.
За мен свободата на изказа е от преобладаващо значение, тя е всичко и имам предвид постижимата свобода, а не идеала. Интуитивно и търсещо нови пространства за своя свободен полет е изкуството ми, кацнало на покрива на един объркан свят.
Вярвам,че накрая светлината оставя незаличими следи!